The Help

The Help has received many Academy Award nominations this year: Best Picture, and three acting awards: Viola Davis, Jessica Chastain, and Octavia Spencer.

Octavia Spencer won Best Supporting Actress for her glowing performance as Minnie Jackson in The Help.

The Help was nominated for many other Golden Globe awards, including Best Picture. Stars Viola Davis and Jessica Chastain were also nominated.

We barely need to talk about The Help, really. The movie held the number one spot for 25 days, the longest number one streak since The Sixth Sense in 1999. The book was so popular it stayed in hardcover for over two years, and the paperback continues to rest leisurely on its throne at the top of the best-seller charts.

If you have yet to get swallowed up in the hype, the book is worth your time. Not enough time to spare? Pick up the audiobook. It is a fabulous production. Even though it was recorded before the movie, the audiobook stars Octavia Spencer as Minnie, along with Jenna Lamia as Ms. Skeeter and Bahni Turpin as Aibileen.

Read the book and seen the film? Learn more about the author and read her book recommendations on her website.

At this time, the Book Cellar has used copies of both the hardcover and paperback of The Help, new copies of the paperback, and a used audiobook on CD.

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